Colour Combinations: What Works & What Doesn’t
Creating fun and interesting colour schemes is one of the most exciting parts of interior design, but it’s not necessarily the easiest. Whether you think you have a great eye for design or not, there’s always more you can learn about colour, which is why we’re here to give you a crash course. What is a colour wheel? To understand how colours interact, the best thing to do is study a colour wheel. A colour wheel is a way in which we can organise colours visually in order to clearly demonstrate the relationships between them. A colour wheel consists of primary…
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How to Choose the Right Carpet for Your Bedroom
The type of flooring we choose for a room can have a profound impact on the way it makes us feel. While wooden flooring offers some fantastic practical benefits for high-traffic areas such as kitchens and living rooms, it doesn’t quite offer that same warmth and cosiness that carpet does when it comes to your bedroom. And given that a bedroom is a relatively low-traffic area of the home, you have more of a license to indulge in something plush and luxurious. But what sort of carpet should you choose? There are dozens of different styles, colours and pile types out…
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Interior Design Trends for 2024
2020 has been a strange year for everyone but, with everyone spending more time at home, interior design and the way people decorate have never been more at the forefront of our minds. We wanted to take a look at some of the most popular interior design trends for 2024 to help you choose your next stylish item – be it an item of furniture or a new set of curtains – so that if you’re spending time at home, you’ve got plenty of inspiration to draw from. Here are five notable trends from 2023 which we think will remain popular…
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Most Iconic Sofas in Film and TV
In any home, a sofa is a place to sit with family and loved ones and relax. So it’s not surprising that almost every television show or film contains a sofa somewhere – some more iconic than others. To help celebrate those sofas which have become almost synonymous with the entertainment pieces in which they featured, we’ve listed some of the most famous sofas. From the fresh and pristine to the tired and trampled. Take a look at our six favourites: Friends – The Central Perk sofa Probably the most iconic of the whole bunch, the sofa on which Ross, Monica,…
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Curtains vs Blinds: Which Are Better?
An important part of furnishing any home, window furnishings usually fall into two categories: curtains and blinds. They both come in a range of styles, colours and materials, and both have been popular with homeowners for a long time. But which ones are better? This month, at John Frederick Ltd, we’ll be explaining the differences between the two, what the benefits of each are and where they are best suited in terms of placement in your home. By pitting the two against each other, you’ll hopefully be able to decide whether you’d prefer curtains or blinds for your home. The difference…
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Are Curtains Recyclable?
Curtains can be found in almost every home across the country. They provide a comforting, insulative layer in our living rooms and bedrooms, as well as tying together the interior design themes put in place. Curtain cleaning is a great way to keep your curtains in top condition and give them an extra lease of life. But what if you’re thinking of freshening up your home with a new style or colour scheme? Are old curtains recyclable? We’re all more conscious of the way our waste can impact the planet these days, and no one wants to think of their curtains…
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How a Clean Carpet Can Improve your Family’s Health
There are a number of ways we can make our homes more hygienic to live in, with some being more obvious than others: cleaning kitchens, tidying up after ourselves and generally making sure we keep things clean. However, the benefits of a clean carpet may be unknown to some, and in this article we’re going to look at the many reasons you should keep your carpet as clean as possible. Respiratory respite We walk on our carpets every single day, and as a result, there’s a lot of dust, dirt and generally unhealthy things trodden into it. These particles can be…
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How to Remove the Smell of Smoke From Your Home
The smell of smoke is not only unpleasant, but it also poses a danger to your health and lingers for weeks at a time in the home. Whether you’ve recently stopped smoking or you’ve spent an evening surrounded by smokers, you’ll be looking for the best way to remove cigarette smell from your home and clothes. We’ve compiled a list of the best ways to get rid of that pesky smell, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean! Don’t smoke inside This one may seem like a no-brainer, but smoking inside means the smoke has time to soak into the room’s…
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The Best Carpets for Pets [Infographic]
Everyone who owns a pet knows how easily they make their way into your heart. You treat them as one of the family, so its more than likely you allow them to lounge around your home. Unfortunately, their dirty paws and sharp nails will cause wear and damage to your carpets – but not to worry! There is a selection of carpets to choose from that will be resistant to this kind of wear, allowing your carpets to last longer and your pets to roam freely! Carpets are difficult enough to clean without a pet rolling all over them, but some…
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How to Prevent Mould on Curtains
The last thing any homeowner needs is mouldy curtains, they look distasteful, no one wants to clean them, and they can even harm your health. The ideal solution is to prevent mould from growing in the first place, which can be done by creating a clean, temperature-controlled house, free from damp. Regular cleaning As with most areas of home maintenance, the best way to upkeep your belongings is with regular cleaning. To protect your curtains from mould, make sure you vacuum all the furnishings in your home frequently and occasionally dry-clean them. Also, wipe down your windows, the surrounding areas, and…
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